Greatest of All Time

Each month, the Management Team at the Co-op chooses a GOAT. Get it? Like greatest-of-all-time, but also like our mascot Cooper the Goat! The GOAT is our version of employee of the month. Anyone at the store can nominate a fellow employee, and then the Management Team votes for the winner. Each month's GOAT receives a $100 gift card to any local business as their prize! It's a huge deal!

Check out who won GOAT since the last issue of the Scoop came out:

Scott G.

Grocery Team Member

Scott was chosen as the GOAT for stepping up on so many levels, taking on more responsibility with PIC coverage, always volunteering when someone needs help, and generally having a great attitude all the time.

January 2024

Rusty E.

Grocery Buyer

Rusty is always very responsive to walkie calls at all times. He's immediately on it when there is a cleanup, grabs carts, and opens the Attic when the customer service department needs a hand. He has strong customer service skills and if he doesn't know he'll ask around. Rusty was chosen as the GOAT for these reasons.

February 2024

Sean N.

Fresh Foods Team Member

For working so well with the most recent new hire, for never backing down from a challenge, for always being the first to volunteer to help coworkers out with projects, and for being a rock in the kitchen, Sean N was chosen as the GOAT!

March 2024